I forgive myself, even as I ask forgiveness of You, for all the times I have spoken hastily of the Mystery bathing all life in a sacred night glowing with Light so bright, so immense, anything said is mere hint. This Word so pure and true the heart can but intuit an echo that baffles mind and silences tongue. And, yet, somehow this ineffable, unseen Grace is everywhere.
*Brian K. Wilcox. Prayerful Confessions in the Silence.
Nasruddin earned his living selling
eggs. Someone came to his shop one day
and said, "Guess what I have in my hand?"
"Give me a clue," said Nasruddin.
"I shall give you several: It has
the shape of an egg, the size of an
egg. It looks like an egg, tastes
like an egg, and smells like an egg.
Inside it is yellow and white. It is
liquid before it is cooked, becomes
thick when heated. It was moreover,
laid by a hen."
"Aha! I know!" said Nasruddin. "It
is some sort of cake!"
The expert misses the obvious.
*Anthony De Mello. The Song of the Bird.
* * *
Grace is neither religious nor nonreligious, neither spiritual nor unspiritual, neither scientific nor unscientific, neither logical nor illogical; Grace is of the natural order, yet defying what we call natural. That is, there is nothing unnatural about Grace, even if we sense there remains something supranatural about It. A wisdom Path leads us to let go of such theorizing, seeking to define. We receive, give, live in gratitude for, instead. Grace is ~ that is enough.
Grace and Peace to All
The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You
*Move your cursor over photos for photographer and title.
*Lotus of the Heart is a Work of Brian K. Wilcox. Brian is an interspiriutal Contemplative Chaplain, Writer, and Poet, living in Florida, USA.